
Asylum-Seekers from Romania, East Berlin, Late Summer 1990 : In Lichtenberg station [29/36]



September 1 - November 30 1990
Berlin, Weitlingstraße, Lichtenberg station
Created By: Kai-Annett Becker

License: Creative Commons License

Travelers in Lichtenberg station


baggage, group of people


member of the People's Police, photographer, refugee, student, train station


Nicolae Ceauşescu


Berlin-Lichtenberg station

Text in image

Kindertag / Bahnhof / Berlin - Wann[s]ee [...]

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"I was studying photographic design at a technical college in Dortmund at the time. 'Take photos of people – and get up close!' my professor had urged. So every morning at six o’clock I would go to the railway station in Berlin-Lichtenberg to take photographs.

In 1990, after the fall of the Ceauşescu regime in December 1989, politics began changing in Romania, too. This development also manifested itself in Berlin, at Bahnhof Lichtenberg. Everyday, new refugees arrived from Romania and, since nothing had been regulated yet between the East and West, they would set up camp right where they were. I wanted to document the situation there and so tried to get to know some of the people. Once I had won their trust, I would take their photographs. This all occurred gradually. I worked with the light available, with no flash, and a relatively sensitive black-and-white film.

Luckily, I got to know a very friendly train driver who, whenever necessary, would wave a permit around in the air for me. That way the police also got to know who I was and left me alone."

Kai-Annett Becker (Dortmund, born 1968)