Service Provider:
Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek (SDK)
Potsdamer Straße 2
10785 Berlin
from January 1st, 2025:
Mauerstraße 79
10117 Berlin
Phone: +49-30-300 903-0
Fax: +49-30-300 903-13
The Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek is a foundation with legal capacity under civil code and is represented by the Representative Board of Directors Dr. Rainer Rother and Florian Bolenius.
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb)
Bundeskanzlerplatz 2
53113 Bonn
Phone: +49 (0)228 99515-0 (Headquarters and citizen service)
Fax: +49 (0)228 99515-113
President: Thomas Krüger
Responsible according to the State Media Treaty / MStV
Dr. Rainer Rother (SDK)
Thorsten Schilling (bpb)
(Address as above)
Idea and concept
Dr. Rainer Rother
Concept development and editorial staff
Thorsten Schilling (bpb), Ronald Hirschfeld (bpb), Jürgen Keiper (SDK), Inga Jochimsen (bpb)
Project management
Ulrike Schmiegelt
Scientific research
Judith Lehniger, Ulrike Schmiegelt
Eyewitness interviews
Judith Lehniger, Ulrike Schmiegelt
We would also like to thank everyone involved in the project for their dedicated work:
Anne Breimaier, Madeleine Bernstorff, Asal Dardan, Andreas Ehlert, Volkmar Ernst, Karin Fritzsche, Eva Gabronova, Liz Goerl, Bernhard Glomm, Oliver Hanley, Tanja Horstmann, Seth Kaufman, Stefan Keidel, Monica Koshka-Stein, Catherine Lillie, Jutta Lindenthal, Annette Lingg, Jane Palmer, Maria Passarotti, Julia Pattis, Florian Regel, Claudia Relota, Elena Maria Serban, Michael Spalek, Klaudia Wick, Marie Wilz.
The internet presentation is an independent part of the overall project "Wir waren so frei... Momentaufnahmen 1989/1990" (Project management: Ulrike Schmiegelt). The web presentation refers to the documents acquired within the project and was developed in close cooperation with the bpb and Whirl-i-Gig (New York). The project has been developed using
CollectiveAccess, open source software for cataloguing and publishing of museum and archival collections
All contents, graphics and/or images are copyrighted and may be used only according to the associated license. Individual items may involve other copyright specifications which also have to be observed.